Reply To: Kambario akustikos gerinimas su Accuphase DG-68

Audiofilas Forums Audiofilo akademija Elektronika Kambario akustikos gerinimas su Accuphase DG-68 Reply To: Kambario akustikos gerinimas su Accuphase DG-68


    In your picture active audio system. This structure is the best, cause let us to avoid degradation of passive filters, to achieve maximum damping and highest efficiency.
    A few notes around your picture:
    – in an active system passive filters must be removed;
    – if the speaker modules are acoustically tuned, then no signal delay is needed and an analog crossover can be used;
    – DG-68 can improve the sound at the hot spot at the expense of deterioration in other areas of the room. So, I’d like to recommend to improve the acoustic properties of the room and disconnect DG-68.

    For decades, I have been using analog active systems of the following structure:strukturine_en universal

    In the photo bellow my experiments with DG-48. Today I listen to the music without any EQ.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Belas.